I always seem to have a lot of pieces left over from a former project. I decided to use up, a few dresden plate parts. Of course I needed a few more , and got carried away and cut too, too many.( I had to take a break from my writing as my son just came in with a hot fudge sundae, that I quickly polished off.) I think I ended up with 3 quilts, 1 double bed size, and 2 nap size quilts..This first small one, I decided to give to my sister , who is in a nursing and rehab home, for Alztheimer's I thought it would be nice to sign all her family names, seven sisters and brothers and their family, her own family of course , our parents, and all her friends. I thought it might be nice for her to see all the names of people that love her.
Here is a closeup of the names we wrote on the quilt, I bought a pen, at Johannes Fabric store, that writes on fabric, that worked well.
This was my favorite dresden. I had a pretty print that you could cut up like a border. It made it look almost like a pretty ribbon between the plates.
This larger quilt,I gave to a cousin,and his wife, that are into genealogy, and put as many names of all our ancestors that I could. The background of the Dresden Plate worked well for this idea.
Here is a closeup of the names we wrote on the quilt, I bought a pen, at Johannes Fabric store, that writes on fabric, that worked well.
This was my favorite dresden. I had a pretty print that you could cut up like a border. It made it look almost like a pretty ribbon between the plates.
This larger quilt,I gave to a cousin,and his wife, that are into genealogy, and put as many names of all our ancestors that I could. The background of the Dresden Plate worked well for this idea.